Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free Pastry Day!

This past Tuesday was Free Pastry Day at Starbucks. I would have mentioned it earlier, but I was too busy a-tucking in my white napkin and getting ready for the joy that would be my free cinnamon roll.
Just kidding, I had class and missed it. Luckily, this also meant that I wasn't at work at the time of said riot-inducing free handout day.

For those of you that couldn't guess, any day that Starbucks decides to give you people something for free, it leads to pants-pooping terror for those of us at the register and behind the bar. Free stuff means that you told your friends, and your friends told their friends, and their friends told their coworkers, and that hordes and hordes of people are going to be charging the register in angry mob-like fashion ready to bludgeon to death the first person that gets in their way or denies them the sweet nectar of the freedom of free stuff, usually the barista who, due to circumstances not their fault, has run out of whatever was free.

And aw shucks, I missed it.

Yesterday, from what I've heard, was no different, though at the very least it wasn't advertised as widely as it could have been and it ended at 10:30am. We weren't even allowed to talk about it until Tuesday, which is why I actually forgot about it until I read the misery-filled Facebook statuses of my coworkers. And lol'd, because I mean, sucks to be them, amirite? Or at least that's what I'll say until Starbucks decides to have free tall vanilla bean day or free caramel macchiato day and everyone else has had the foresight to call off in advance.

Then I'll probably be the first one with a pitchfork in my eye, tied to a pole, and burned.


  1. Emily, I have to admit it. I did indulge in the free Pastry day. I was extra nice to the cashier because I knew it has been a bad day for her!

  2. Hahaha, well I hope at least it was the best free pastry you've ever had in your life.
