Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Verdict is in...

...Making frappuccinos the new way is going to make me a very unhappy camper this summer.

Saturday, I almost enjoyed it. It was a slow night, since the Pens were playing, and I was working with a good group. And, for all that I may whine, actually making the Frappuccinos isn't as bad as I always think it's going to be. The consistency of the new versions are much more easy going, and it's a pretty easy going rhythm once you get it. Plus it's kind of fun giving our customers something that actually tastes as good as how much you paid for it to be. So if you'd asked me on Saturday? A little tougher, but not so bad that it couldn't be dealt with.

And then Sunday. Sundays just do not change. I know it seems like I have to be exaggerating, but seriously. Someone asked us if we sold Arizona's Arnold Palmer iced tea last Sunday. Sunday people are weird.

This Sunday was, despite the storms, pretty toasty. And, because of the storms, it was humid. "Perfect weather for a Frappuccino!" thought the world, and that's how sadness was invented.

I know it will get better with time, but right now our cold bar is so thoroughly thrown into a tightly knit shambles from all the extras we had to bring in that it's hard to keep things straight. The cramping at the bar makes things incredibly confusing, and now that we need to bring the cup with us along for the ride, I keep getting flabbergasted and lost. The extra steps means that I can't keep up with the orders easily, and for someone that prides herself on being pretty competent on bar, that's very frustrating. Worst of all is the multiples thing. I am so unused to not being able to blend more than one drink at a time, and it breaks my heart to get two grande Caramel Frappuccino Blended Coffee Beverages (yes, that's what we're supposed to be calling them. That's what we've always supposed to call them, but now they care again) and realize that I have to go through 965 steps for not one but two blenders and that I also have a vanilla bean, a mocha light and a green tea creme lined up and ready to go right after. And waiting for decaf shots is just as annoying as it was before.

But, again, a lot of those problems will disappear with time. And the soft launch should prepare us for what goes down once mid-May hits and the real fun begins, like Frappy Hour (I will tell you about Frappy Hour.) And actually, I am less upset about this new development than I was about the coffee cadence. We'll see how it goes, and how I feel about it in the summer.

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